Library Board
The Library Board, which is created by state law, establishes policy, oversees staff, and acts as an advisory board to the Mayor and the Municipal Council.
Qualifications of Library Board Members
- Interest in libraries, books, reading, information
- Generally, a cross section of the city is desired
- A nice diversity of business, education, homemakers, etc. is appreciated on the board
- Board members should be thoughtful, articulate, and level headed
- People who like to read are always welcome
Duties and Responsibilities of the Library Board
- To employ a competent and qualified library director
- To determine the purpose of the library, and to adopt written policies to govern the operation and program of the library
- To determine the program and needs of the library in relation to the community and to keep abreast of standards and library trends
- To secure adequate funds to carry on the library program
- To establish, support and participate in a planned public relations program
- To assist in the preparation of the annual budget and approve the final document
- To know local and state laws and to actively support library legislation in the state and nation
- To establish library policies dealing with book and materials selection
- To attend all board meetings and see that accurate records are kept on file at the library
- To attend regional, state, and national trustee meetings and workshops, and to affiliate with appropriate professional organizations
- To be aware of the services of the State Library
- To report regularly to the governing officials and the general public
Current members of the Library Board include:
Board Member | Term Expires |
Richard Bowler | 6/30/27 |
Vacant | |
Jenny Spadafora | 6/30/25 |
Cindy Gagon |
6/30/25 |
Alyssa Hansen | 6/30/25 |
Jennifer Bruton | 6/30/26 |
Allyson Condie | 6/30/26 |
Megen Pectol | 6/30/26 |
Rachel Whipple (Council Member) | 12/31/25 |
Nominate yourself or someone else to serve on the Library Board by filling out the online application.