Sewer backups can be a traumatic and costly experience for a homeowner or renter. Sewer backups are caused either by blockage in an individual sewer lateral or by blockage in the City's main line. Main line blockages are usually much more serious because the entire flow in the main line can be forced up the individual lateral and into the home.
Sewer backups in laterals and main lines represent a significant expense to the City. Crews are on call 24 hours a day to respond to sewer lateral or main line blockages, as well as to deal with other incidences that would disrupt sanitary sewer service.
Common causes of sewer lateral and main line backups is grease buildup and “flushable” wipes. We can all help in the prevention of sewer backups by following a few basic guidelines:
- “Flushable” wipes do not break down easily and should be thrown in the trash, not in the toilet.
- Do not flush any hygiene products, medication, diapers, or any other trash down the toilet.
- Oil or grease residue should be poured, wiped or scraped from plates, pots, and pans and disposed with household solid waste.
- Garbage disposals should be used sparingly and never for oils or grease bearing foods.
- Gravies, frosting, and dressings contain significant quantities of oils and fats and should be disposed of in the garbage.
The City works closely with restaurants within the community to ensure that their oil and grease management programs are similar to those described above and are effective in protecting the restaurants main lines and laterals as well as the City’s sewer mains. Similar benefits accrue to the homeowner as well as the City when care is taken to ensure that oils and greases associated with food preparation in the home are dealt with responsibly and not simply washed down the drain. Your cooperation will be appreciated.